How do I get my partner to do enneagram work?


How do I get my partner to do enneagram work?

After a deep breath, I smile and I respond with something like “it is very easy to see how others need to do personal work, but the real challenge is to stay with OUR OWN work”. 

By working with our individual patterns and making a conscious choice on how we meet the world we affect those in our lives. Suddenly people who love us start to see the subtle ways that we breathe into the stress of our lives or how we pause before we answer a tough question. This is how we open up a path for our partners to take a close look at themselves. Some of these partners may even decide that this enneagram work may actually be for them. Just maybe…

When planning our upcoming personal enneagram retreat in Mexico, A PLACE TO NOURISH OUR HEARTS - ENNEAGRAM RETREAT APRIL 1 - 8, 2019, Joanie and I looked at how so many couples have important enneagram conversations without actually using the enneagram typology language of numbers. 

·      “Why am I always the one leading?” (ONE Space Work)

·      “Whose needs are more important?” (TWO Space Work)

·      “Why do I feel like we are in a competition?” (THREE Space Work)

·      Etcetera…

Opening a dialogue between committed couples is the first step to working with our “couple patterns”. These patterns we have either developed or inherited over the course of our lives.  

We have consciously structured this retreat with important teachings and relational work that is relatable to anyone that wants to take a new look at their lives. You don’t need to know your enneagram type; you just need to come with an open mind and a desire to listen.

Along with teachings, art, movement and meditation, we have built in lots of space to play on the beach, swim in the ocean and even wander through this sleepy Mexican village

Spring brings new beginnings; it is good time to honour a renewal and it starts with us.  They say the first sign of insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting a different result. There is a different way to relate….


Inspired Enneagram

Learn more about  A PLACE TO NOURISH OUR HEARTS - ENNEAGRAM RETREAT that takes place April 1 - 8, 2019 or the enneagram personal work at