Cheryl Kinney Matheson Prairie Jubilee.jpg

About Cheryl Kinney Matheson

Cheryl is a graduate of Prairie Jubilee, a member of Spiritual Directors International, and an Ordained Minister within the United Church of Canada.

She has served in congregations in Manitoba and Northwestern Ontario for 28 years and lives in Kenora, Ontario. She says that Prairie Jubilee transformed her pastoral ministry. The metaphor of ‘Pilgrimage’ for life’s journey, introduced to Cheryl through Prairie Jubilee, resulted in her Camino walk in 2011. Cheryl has participated in the Enntrain Worshops with Carol Ann Gotch and David Walsh and has led ‘Intro to the Enneagram’ workshops in her home community. Cheryl enjoys facilitating small group opportunities for prayer/meditation/reflection and labyrinth walks. Quiet sitting, reading, walking, camping and knitting are activities of enjoyment.

She is currently an instructor for Prairie Jubilee.